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日本德岛大学Yoshihiro Deguchi教授报告通知
发布时间:2023-10-16 18:11:31 点击量:

报告人:Yoshihiro DeguchiProfessor of Tokushima University

时间:14:30-16:00 PM, 20231020



(1) 报告题目:

Next generation control of industrial processes using digital twin through the fusion of laser diagnostics and CFD

(2) 报告简介:

As a means to accelerate digital transformation (DX), the advancement of industrial processes has been promoted through the use of digital twin. Digital twin uses data collected from real-world processes to reproduce the exact same process in a virtual space to predict and control the future of the process. In recent years, laser measurement technologies such as CT tunable laser absorption spectroscopy and LIBS, which enables real-time 2D/3D measurement of temperature, concentration, and elemental distribution in industrial processes, have been applied to fields such as power generation, incinerators, semiconductor, and chemical manufacturing processes. In this presentation, next generation industrial process control will be presented based on digital twin integrating laser measurement technology (real world) and CFD (virtual space).

(3) 报告人简介:

出口祥啓(Yoshihiro Deguchi)教授现为日本德岛大学机械工程系教授,西安交通大学讲座教授,先后在日本三菱重工业集团、德岛大学从事激光测试系统的研究开发工作30余年,如可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱(TDLAS)、激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)、飞行时间质谱(TOFMS)、拉曼光谱(Raman)以及激光诱导荧光(LIF)等多种激光测试技术。出口祥啓教授已成为国际上将激光测试技术用于能源动力装置方面享有盛誉的专家。出口祥啓教授先后担任日本传热学会支部长、日本机械工程师协会支部主席、中国四国热工学部主席、以及国际激光诱导击穿光谱学会(LIBS)委员和亚洲激光诱导击穿光谱学会(LIBS)执行主席。

上一条:南非科学院院士刘歆颖教授讲座 下一条:“杨世铭传热学系列讲座”第三期