Computational and Experimental Design of Air-Cooled Condensers
Yitung Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada Las Vegas
受热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室王秋旺教授邀请,内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校陈一东(Yitung Chen)教授于2015年6月17日至6月22日访问电竞博彩平台-电竞下注平台
。定于2015年6月19日15:00在东三楼圆桌会议邀请陈老师做精彩报告,题目为“Computational and Experimental Design of Air-Cooled Condensers”。
Yitung Chen教授简介如下:
Dr. Yitung Chen is Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and an ASME Fellow. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Utah in 1991. He has received more than $12.8M research funding from the U.S. DOE, NSF, DOD, EPA, NASA, NOAA, and private sectors. He has published two books, 6 book chapters, and more than 80 journal articles and 200 peer-review professional conference proceedings related to thermal-fluid, nuclear, solar and wind energy, and corrosion modeling areas. He has received many outstanding teaching and research awards and the best scholar award during his tenure at UNLV. He is also Co-Director of Center for Energy Research at UNLV.