Environmental engineers design the public and industrial infrastructures and individual systems for water supply, resource protection and reuse, pollution control, waste management, waste reduction and utilization, etc. They are also instrumental in the creation or promotion of “Green Products” in order to minimize adverse health and environmental impacts, and to enhance sustainable development. Their works include the design and management of water treatment plants, sewage and wastewater treatment plants, the development of air pollution control devices and systems, and solid waste treatment and disposal. In recent years, environmental engineers also participate in the design of “green” buildings and urban ecosystems, land and resource planning in terms of wetland and groundwater protection, resource remediation and reuse, etc. Along with other professionals they also contribute to the development and production of environmentally friendly materials, including biodegradable household chemicals such as soft and non-phosphate detergents. Our department is specifically tied to the new energy research and the efficient use of both energy and natural resources, e.g. hydrogen and methane production, catalyst research, water reuse and waste conversion to energy, etc. We consider the education of environmental knowledge is essential to the public awareness and healthier living for all.
Environmental Engineering Studies
The department is one of the focal areas at Xian Jiaotong University where rapid development and expansion are taking place. The mission of our department is to educate a new generation of talents following the long-term national policy in energy conservation and environmental protection, and to nurture advanced researchers and engineers who dedicate in the application of professional knowledge of sound theoretical and technological foundation, in order to improve environmental quality and to achieve long-range sustainable development. The undergraduate coursework includes engineering physics, mechanics, heat and mass transfer, inorganic and organic chemistry, analytical and environmental chemistry, and environmental engineering, plus electives in management and social sciences. Senior students are required to fulfill a thesis work either as engineering design or involving hands-on laboratory studies. The graduate students can choose among diverse environmental areas particularly related to waste minimization and utilization, water reuse, and energy conservation.
Research Highlight
l Water reuse and conservation for paper industry and industrial applications
l Photochemical catalysis and electrochemistry for environmental applications (development in catalysts and electrodes); advanced oxidation for the removal of refractory comtaminants.
l Air quality survey and characterization in the northern and northwestern regions
l Integration of plasma and conventional technologies for aerosol, VOC and ammonia removal from stack off-gas.
l Methane and hydrogen production through anaerobic conversion of waste materials; photosynthetic hydrogen production.
l Wetland characterization and protection
l Soil remediation through enhanced biodegradation
l Solid waste treatment and recycling
l Biomass thermochemical conversion
l Environmentally friendly chemical substitutes
l Materials for environmental protection and preservation of Fruit and Vegetables
Teaching/Research Resources
Service industry category:
l Xi’an Shaangu Power Company, LTD
l Dongguan Carnoy Economizing Energy Science CO. LTD
l Aluminum Corporation of China Limited
l Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group Co., Ltd
l Paper, fermentation, oil production, and fruit juice industry in ShaanxiProvince
Research Laboratories:
l State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity
l Institute ofEarthEnvironment,ChineseAcademyof Sciences
l International NewEnergyResearchCenteratXi’anJiaotongUniversity
l Research Institute of Changqing Oil Field
l Research and monitoring laboratories of sewage treatment plants of the City ofXi’an
l Research and monitoring laboratories of water treatment plants of the City ofXi’an
l Environmental research and monitoring laboratories ofShaanxiProvince
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Recent Meeting Held by our Department (2016), XI AN Projects for Organic Waste Gas Control in Baoji & Ningxia
Contact : Dr. Chi He
[email protected]