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发布时间:2014-07-09 11:46:56 点击量:


美国斯坦福大学Hanson教授是国际著名的燃烧学诊断专家和化学反应动力学权威学者,1968年博士毕业于斯坦福大学,2002年入选美国工程院院士,目前任斯坦福大学气体动力学研究室主任,Clarence J. and Patricia R. Woodard讲席教授。是美国机械学会Fellow,美国光学学会Fellow,美国航天宇航学会Fellow,国际燃烧学会最高贡献奖获得者,担任十多种国际学术期刊编委,出版学术专著及章节23部,在国际期刊上发表论文480篇,会议论文520篇,培养博士生85名。Hanson教授在国际上创建并提出了燃烧物种的激光诊断理论与技术,对燃烧现象的诊断做出了重要贡献,被国际学术界公认为是燃烧光学诊断的开拓者。他所领导的斯坦福大学气体动力学研究室代表着当今国际上最领先的燃烧诊断和反应动力学研究工作。

报告题目:Laser Diagnostics and Shock Tube Kinetics




Professor Hanson's research is in the field of laser diagnostics and sensors, shock wave physics and chemistry, laser spectroscopy, chemical kinetics and combustion, and propulsion science. He is the author of three book chapters and over archival refereed 500 refereed archival papers in these areas, and has served as a member of the editorial advisory boards of Combustion Science and Technology, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Shock Waves, the International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, and the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. He has served as Chair of the Gordon Conference on Combustion Diagnostics, Chair of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, and as the Program Co-Chair for the 30th Symposium (International) on Combustion, and he was the Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford University from 1993 to 2003. Professor Hanson has been the principal advisor for more than 85 PhD graduates.

详细简历请点击:Ronald Hanson Profile



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