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Prof. Gregory Washington讲座信息
发布时间:2014-07-07 18:45:22 点击量:

讲座题目:Intelligent Material Systems

主讲人: Prof. Gregory Washington


2014年7月18日,周五,14:30~16:00, 科学馆207


Naturally occurring and synthetic materials have no intelligence except for that which is given to them by attaching actuators, sensors, and programmed intelligence relating sensed stimuli to the corresponding responses. The field of smart materials such as piezoelectric materials, magnetostrictive materials, and shape memory alloys has recently flourished using this “top down” approach (macroscale to microscale) to develop materials that position themselves, actively damp themselves, or provide sensing functions.

The research presented focuses on the use of these materials in a host of applications from automobiles to aircraft. Our latest research focuses on wearable technology and we define a novel branch of next-generation materials systems called Distributed Intelligent Materials Systems (DIMS). These material systems incorporate actuation, sensing, communication and electronics in a solid state fashion, i.e. as inherent parts of the material structure itself, and are not “added on” components. Galium Nitride is one of the materials being developed. The material properties of Gallium Nitride (GaN) suggest possibilities which include optical transparency, integrated on-chip optical sourcing, optical sensing and processing, biocompatibility, robust mechanical performance, thermal stability and greater power handling that are impractical or outright impossible with silicon and other conventional semiconductors. Additionally, it is piezoelectric by virtue of its lack of center of symmetry, which can be exploited for actuation, sensing and energy harvesting.The research presented here seeks to better understand the electromechanical (piezoelectric, electrostrictive) behavior of GaN for applications to next-generation DIMS incorporating actuation, sensing, communication and electronics in a solid-state fashion.v

Gregory Washington教授简介:

Gregory Washington is the Dean of The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California Irvine. Professor Washington has been involved in multidomain research for the last 20 years. His core area of interest lies in the area of dynamic systems: modeling and control. During this time he has been involved in the following applications: the design and control of mechanically actuated antennas, advanced control of machine tools, the design and control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and structural position and vibration control with smart materials. He is internationally known for his research on ultra-lightweight structurally active antenna systems and other structures that involve the use of "smart materials". He is the author of more than 140 technical publications in journals, edited volumes, and conference proceedings. Professor Washington received an NSF Career Award in 1996, the OSU Harrison Award for Excellence in Engineering Education and Research in 2005, two best paper awards (one with his students), and many other awards. Professor Washington has served on several advisory boards to include the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board and the National Science Foundation Engineering Advisory Board.

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